EV Cible

September, 2023

3 minute read

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Discovering the E-3008

during its design phase is a surprising experience!


During the years a model is being designed, it is presented several times to a panel of customers for their impressions and observations, until the final design is achieved. During all these phases, the new E-3008 left no one indifferent! Here's a selection of some of the initial reactions.

Discovering the E-3008

during its design phase is a surprising experience!a spectacular design!


During the years a model is being designed, it is presented several times to a panel of customers for their impressions and observations, until the final design is achieved. During all these phases, the new E-3008 left no one indifferent! Here's a selection of some of the initial reactions.


When teams start designing a new model like the E-3008, they have to look to the long term to invent tomorrow's trends. As the only external yardstick for knowing whether they're heading in the right direction, the various tests in which the car is presented to a panel of customers are of paramount importance. As the project progresses, there are 4 major stages in the customer involvement process.

Four steps to convince!


  1. The concept test. A physical silhouette on a scale of 1. It provides information on intentions, and gives an idea of the potential of the shapes, dimensions and importance of the suggested features.
  2. The style attractiveness test. Several dozen people are invited to evaluate the styling of a model they don't know the make of. At this stage, the model has to surprise if it is to appeal to the general public within 3 years.
  3. The industrial manufacturing commitment test. One-day testers come from France and Europe. They have several hours to immerse themselves in the car, both inside and out, then answer a questionnaire and finally indicate their interest in buying the model.
  4. The pre-launch test. A final model, one of the first to be manufactured, is displayed in showroom conditions alongside its main competitors. It's the perfect way to project yourself!


Four steps to convince!


  1. The concept test. A physical silhouette on a scale of 1. It provides information on intentions, and gives an idea of the potential of the shapes, dimensions and importance of the suggested features.
  2. The style attractiveness test. Several dozen people are invited to evaluate the styling of a model they don't know the make of. At this stage, the model has to surprise if it is to appeal to the general public within 3 years.
  3. The industrial manufacturing commitment test. One-day testers come from France and Europe. They have several hours to immerse themselves in the car, both inside and out, then answer a questionnaire and finally indicate their interest in buying the model.
  4. The pre-launch test. A final model, one of the first to be manufactured, is displayed in showroom conditions alongside its main competitors. It's the perfect way to project yourself!

A memorable encounter!


Throughout this journey, encounters between the new E-3008 and its public gave rise to a wide range of reactions. The discovery of an Electric Fastback SUV was a real surprise for the selected panels of testers. Futuristic, powerful, qualitative, desirable, high-tech, a vehicle that makes you want to be driven, the exterior design won over its public. The interior, with its panoramic i-Cockpit®, makes an instant impression, especially the large 21-inch curved HD panel that immediately signals the change. The use of high-quality materials creates a feeling of well-being, even on the passenger side. Ergonomics have been designed so that all functions fall naturally to hand, giving some the sensation of being at the controls of a flight simulator! The overriding feeling is that of having moved on to a whole new generation of cars.

A memorable encounter!


Throughout this journey, encounters between the new E-3008 and its public gave rise to a wide range of reactions. The discovery of an Electric Fastback SUV was a real surprise for the selected panels of testers. Futuristic, powerful, qualitative, desirable, high-tech, a vehicle that makes you want to be driven, the exterior design won over its public. The interior, with its panoramic i-Cockpit®, makes an instant impression, especially the large 21-inch curved HD panel that immediately signals the change. The use of high-quality materials creates a feeling of well-being, even on the passenger side. Ergonomics have been designed so that all functions fall naturally to hand, giving some the sensation of being at the controls of a flight simulator! The overriding feeling is that of having moved on to a whole new generation of cars.

Questions turned into satisfaction!


What's more, some people quickly realised that this was an electric vehicle, even though no information had been released on the subject, prompting the usual questions about range. With a range of up to 700 km, the E-3008 immediately put those questions to rest. The panel saw in it the expected versatility. Whatever their needs or family situation, everyone was able to project themselves behind the wheel of this fastback SUV. The second concern? Roominess. The Fastback profile in no way detracts from the 520-litre trunk's carrying capacity, and the panel was once again convinced. A true new-generation SUV, the new E-3008 is winning over customers!

Questions turned into satisfaction!


What's more, some people quickly realized that this was an electric vehicle, even though no information had been released on the subject, prompting the usual questions about range. With a range of up to 700 km, the E-3008 immediately put those questions to rest. The panel saw in it the expected versatility. Whatever their needs or family situation, everyone was able to project themselves behind the wheel of this fastback SUV. The second concern? Roominess. The Fastback profile in no way detracts from the 520-liter trunk's carrying capacity, and the panel was once again convinced. A true new-generation SUV, the new E-3008 is winning over customers!